Cleansers for acne: a checklist
A progressive approach for finding a really good skincare cleanser for acne, for you. This checklist includes a mix of options from both drugstore and high-end brands, ranked according to the ones I'd use first and with more affordable options often ranking higher because... why break the bank - (⌒_⌒;).
The big why for this checklist
Seeing a dermatologist is ideal for acne treatment (and even for post-acne care - you could learn something), but it's not always accessible. This checklist is my attempt at making it easy for people who experience acne to easily find potentially effective products, and ones that fit their budget too. Remember, everyone's skin is unique, so what works really well for one person might not be the solution for another (I've learnt this the hard way - *cries in woe was me). So here's a list of products that have potential to help you (for real this time) with your experience with acne.
How to use this checklist
The big idea is to help you find a skincare cleanser that will help you best address the acne you are experiencing, while also being one you like and one your coins like too.
Start by checking off the products you've used. Next, rank the products in order of which ones you'd like to try first then start from the top of the new list you've created. I recommend giving each product at least a full skin cycle (28 days) to know if it's really working for you or not. If you experience irritation (breaking out, not purging), you should probably drop it. At the end of the cycle, if it's not working... probably ditch it and use the next product on the list. If it is - yasss! A step in the right direction. Probably keep it up and possibly pretty soon your skin will have cleared up and your experience with clear skin would have begun. We love this for you - ・゚・(。>ω<。)・゚・
- hoping this helps, and til the next one.